Tag Archives: policy


The Tyranny of Realism

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The Tyranny of Realism- to what extent is our present and future energy development constrained by the past? This is a question that our most recent report seeks to answer.

“This volume seeks to prompt balanced discussion of a number of themes, but also presents a line of argument, that there is one decision that is unequivocally and urgently required: to prioritise the deployment of renewable energy technologies in the short term, immediately and ambitiously, and increase the share of renewable resources in the energy mix as rapidly and extensively as possible into the long term”.
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Project 90’s proposition to new Government Ministers

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Now that the hype of the elections is over, and our new cabinet for the next 5 years has been chosen, we will quickly see which election promises will be realised. There are a number of important issues we feel that the government needs to focus on over the next five years.

There are only three more national elections remaining between now and 2030. We believe a government that thinks and speaks long term, particularly in terms of sustainability, is a government worth voting for.

We have therefore written an open letter to the new Minister of Energy Tina Joemat-Peterssen and the new Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa with our wish list for what they should achieve and work towards during their term of office. Continue reading


Project 90 lodges complaint over nuclear advert

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The Department of Energy has been handing out notebooks and water bottles which promote nuclear power. These promotional items state that nuclear power is clean, safe, reliable and afforable. Project 90 has lodged a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa as we don’t agree that those statements can be substantiated. What is your view? Should the DoE be promoting nuclear power? Do you agree that it is safe, clean and affordable? Continue reading


Who is the greenest party?

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With elections coming up in a few weeks, we’ve taken a look at the main parties’ election manifestos to see which parties have climate change and environment as priorities. Everyone in South Africa is going to be affected by climate change, especially the poor, so this is a topic that we feel is important for parties to consider. We’ve summarized each manifesto and highlighted the relevant parts. I hope that you find this interesting and that it provides some food for thought as you decide where to put your cross on the 7th May. Continue reading


Project 90’s response to the budget

On 26 February our Finance Minister, Pravin Gordhan, gave the annual budget speech. Our Policy and Research Officer Happy Khambule takes a look at what this means for energy planning and climate change in South Africa. Continue reading